Since this is a private practice, fees are not covered by insurance (Krankenkasse in Germany). Clients pay for their sessions directly. Private pay gives you the advantage of starting sessions sooner, without waiting for any approvals. Alternately, if you have a private insurance, you could check with your insurance provider about the possibility of reimbursement.

Free Initial Consultation

To help us both decide whether I am the right fit for you, I offer a free 30-minute initial consultation over phone.  You can get to know more about how I work and share about your expectations from counselling, before making any commitment. Please get in touch to schedule your initial consultation


Individual Counselling (regular session) € 83,30…………….[50 min]

Individual Counselling  (long session) € 119…………………...[90 min]

Couple Counselling € 119………………………[60 min]

(All amounts include 19% VAT)